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BellyTots and Coronavirus update

Liz Sheridan

The previous post I sent has details of the general hygiene methods that are still in place for BellyTots classes.

Just wanted to let you know about a few others too.

1. Thank you so much for continuing to wash your hands before and after classes.

2. Snack safety

  • Of course, I'll ensure my hands are washed before any food or drink preparation.

  • Wherever possible, snacks will be served individually wrapped rather than from a communal plate/tin.

  • Please wash your hands after snacks/drinks too.

3. Personal space

Wherever possible I'll provide extra space between people attending classes. I'll ensure ventilation too, where this won't make it too cold of course!

4. If you need to self-isolate and miss a class, hopefully the usual extra 2 weeks given to use up rolling classes will mean you don't miss out financially. If, however, you are concerned financially, please do contact me.

For stand alone courses and classes (such as Baby Massage and Daddy & Me), I will do my best to provide you with an alternative date or another class with similar value. Again, do contact me if you're concerned.

5. If I need to self-isolate, I will suspend the classes for a week and your payments will jump forward by a week or I will provide an alternative date if it's a one off class/course.

6. Please let me know if you plan to take a break from classes due to concerns about the virus so that I can keep an eye on numbers and make sensible business decisions.

7. If Public Health England recommendations include not allowing meetings of any kind, or if numbers attending are too low to breakeven, I will suspend classes and payments will be carried forward to such time as we can meet again.

As you know, things are changing day by day. I am keeping a close eye on new recommendations as they are published. As I try to balance safety, your needs and the future of BellyTots as a business; do let me know if you have any concerns or suggestions.

Stay safe and look after each other!

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