Mobile: 07946 660927 Email:
I’m a proud mum to 3 wonderful children, and a senior trained nurse with a 15+ year career history within the NHS.
My kids transformed my life in so many ways and this led to my passion for nurturing, enriching and helping other women in their motherhood journey.
My background is in nursing and caring for the elderly. I started my career as a care home assistant before I trained to become a registered nurse at Kings College, London where I graduated with a BSc Honours Degree in Nursing Studies. I’ve worked at St. George's Hospital in Tooting, The Croydon Community Healthcare Trust and Central Middlesex Hospital in Park Royal.
My nursing roles have varied greatly and include: Orthopeadics, Elderly Hospital-at-Home, Palliative Care (the most beautiful experience), and also Pharmaceutical Research as a Senior Nurse Trainer. In addition to my nursing degree, I am also fully trained in Antenatal and Postnatal Education (both NCT and NHS). This includes Pre & Postnatal Pilates, Pregnancy Yoga Exercises (NCT and Wheel of Yoga Teachers), Baby Massage and Baby Yoga (Accredited by the Royal College of Midwives), and Birth Trauma Support. A full list of my qualifications is shown below.
My experience and my love for facilitating group learning led me to set up BellyTots in 2018, to offer a truly holistic approach for supporting mums and mums-to-be through their pregnancy journey and beyond. I continue to teach Antenatal Classes for the NCT and the NHS.
2020 - 3-Step Rewind training - Gentle technique to lift feelings of Trauma from birth, feeding experiences or anything else.
I was taught by Experienced Midwife and NLP Practitioner Mark Harris of Birthing Awareness.
2018 - Level 3 Specialist Diploma in Pre and Postnatal Mat Pilates
This qualification also included: 'Use of small equipment@; and @Pilates for common orthopaedic conditions@ (with Future Fit training, an award-winning training organisation; industry recognised course accredited by: CIMPSA, VTCT and REPS)
2018 - Level 3 Diploma Advanced Mat Pilates (with Future Fit training)
2018 - Baby Massage and Baby Yoga Instructor Course
(Accredited by The Royal College of Midwives, Federation of Holistic Therapists, IICT and CTHA) with Blossom & Berry
2015 - St John Ambulance First Aid for Sports Coaches (including infant resuscitation)
2014 - Level 6 Diploma Module in Relax, Stretch and Breath (Yoga Based) Techniques for Pregnancy
(Taught by the National Childbirth Trust College & Wheel of Yoga qualified tutors, and validated by the University of Worcester).
2008 - Level 5 Diploma in Antenatal Education (National Childbirth Trust validated by the University of Bedfordshire)
1996 - BSc (Hons) Nursing Studies 2:1 & Registered Nurse Qualification King's College London & UKCC